Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Trailer

The team at Treyarch have been busy on adding some new features to the next episode in the Call of Duty: Black Ops franchise.

Take a look at the trailer below.

Let’s have a look at just some of the new features we can expect to see in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2:

  • Super Sonic Satellites
  • Electroshock grenades
  • Tomahawks
  • Kamikaze Planes
  • Juggernaut tank drones

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is due for release on 13th November. Feel free to let us know your thoughts on the trailer by dropping a comment below.


David Bevan

David has been a computer lover since a young age with fond memories of the NES which created a strong loyalty to Nintendo until Sony hit the market. Moving from Nintendo to a Playstation 1 and Playstation 2, the next generation of consoles saw him move his loyalties yet again, this time to the XBbox 360. David is often found playing games when not working or following his other passion of comics. David worked in the computer games industry for the last 7 years as a support manager for an MMORPG before taking a step away from the industry and living his passion for gaming through his achievement hunting in his spare time and through writing for our website.

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