Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Review

Craig brings our review for Battlefield: Bad Company 2

It’s only March and already we’ve had some blockbuster releases this year. The hardest decision has in fact been which of these amazing titles to purchase; God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII and BioShock 2 to name a few. Well just to complicate matters, I’m going to throw the recently released Battlefield: Bad Company 2 into the mix.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2, or BC2 for short, is the sequel to the 2008 hit series which was created specifically for the next generation games console, rather than the PC format it’s more commonly known for …

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Check out all the latest screenshots for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 in our Media Section for the game.

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Marty Greenwell

Marty has been gaming since the heady years of the ZX-81 and still owns most of the gaming systems purchased since those days, including the Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, SNES, Jaguar, Dreamcast and GameCube. Being a collection junkie (or more accurately, hoarder), he buys more games than he can possibly play, far too many of which are still sealed in their packaging. Marty favours RPGs and Driving games when it comes to genres, and is possibly a little bit too addicted to Disgaea. When not gaming he’s out frightening OAPs on his motorcycle, clad in black leather.

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