Battlefield 2 No-show Explained

As we reported earlier, hundreds of gamers were disappointed at the absense of the demo of EA’s upcoming title Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, which was meant to hit the Marketplace on Friday.

Our keen eyes came across a post on the Official Xbox Forums, which contains details of an email received from EA’s support teams, the email can be seen below:

Hi ,Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

The game was to be on the marketplace this Friday 24th of March, but it was pushed back until next week. It should be up some time between Tuesday the 28 or Wednesday the 29 of March.

Best Regards,

Paul G.
EA Support Centre, UK and Ireland

So there you have it, from early next week modern combat goodness can be yours, maybe?


Chris Brandrick

Chris is a 20 year old gamer who started out as an avid Nintendo player back in the early 90's but can now be found most nights on Xbox Live earning those Achievements! Chris is currently at University and runs his own personal site in his spare time. Look out for his Wii and 360 related news here on Console Monster.

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