Last Month (March), we gave Bingo83 and mjmaskrey, our most active and helpful forum members, EA game bundles.
This month, SEGA have sponsored 360Monster’s forum competition with limited edition Full Auto Faceplates. We have three of these faceplates to give away, which are not even available in the UK, and were only available with Full Auto Preorders in the USA.
We will have three winners this month, each winner getting a faceplate.
What do you have to do to win? Well read below: is offering you the chance to win one of three Limited Edition Full Auto Faceplates, courtesy of SEGA. All you need to do is register in the forums by clicking here, then read below.
End Date: 1st May 2006
Prize: One full Auto faceplate to each of the three winners.
Rules: The prize will be awarded to the best 360Monster Forum members during the time of the competition. We will only take into consideration any member actions from today (3rd April 2006) and the closing date (1st May 2006) – so if you haven’t signed up yet, you still have a chance! Becoming the “best 360Monster Forum member” can be achieved in many ways, including posting informative and topical threads, continuing a good discussion, being polite and helpful to other members, referring people to the forum and generally helping the staff.
Extra attempts at helping to establish a great community here will be noted and will definitely be taken into great consideration. As for SPAM (Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages), it will be seen and it will go against you. Comments on News posts using the comment system on the site will ALSO be considered. Remember we’re looking for quality, not quantity!
The decision on who the best members are will be made by the staff of 360Monster, including admins and writers. Decision Date is the 1st of May, where by an announcement will be made. After the announcement, we will require the address of the three winners.
Members from all countries are allowed to take part, just as long as the Postman can get to you!
Note: Staff Members are excluded from the competition. This includes any Admins, Writers and Forum Moderators. The Admins reserve the right to change or alter the competition at any time. The Admins also reserve the right to refuse a member for any reason. If the winner is refused, a runner up will take the prize. The staff’s decision is final.
Best of Luck All.
The 360Monster team