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  • All PS4 pre-orders for Hitman are being cancelled, but IO insists it hasn’t been delayed

All PS4 pre-orders for Hitman are being cancelled, but IO insists it hasn’t been delayed

Sony has begun cancelling all digital pre-orders for the PS4 version of Hitman after being told by Square Enix that the “configuration of the product… has changed significantly”.

In a message sent to pre-order customerslast night, Sony explained that it had been notified by the publisher “that the configuration of the product you pre-ordered has changed significantly. As a result we have withdrawn the current pre-order from PlayStation Store and will cancel all pre-orders.

“A revised pre-order for Hitman will be available on the store soon.”

The cancellations follow days after the game wasremoved for pre-order from the European PlayStation Store.



David Wriglesworth

David Wriglesworth is a Northern lad with a passion for gaming, who graduated from the University of Lincoln with a BA (Hons) Journalism degree. If you can drag him away from the consoles, you can probably find him Tweeting or watching Coronation Street.

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