With the month of September over, the staff here at Console Monster reflect back at last month’s current events in the gaming world, as well as give a little insight of their gaming antics this month, and what they are looking forward to playing this month. Over the past few days we’ve covered what we’ve been playing, our thoughts on the 360 price drop and our impressions on Sony’s Life with PlayStation Channel.
Today we look at the stellar line-up of game titles out this winter. Asking ourselves which ones in particular will make it into our “must have” hot list.
Dave: There are many games I want over the Christmas period. Looking at the schedule it could come to about one new game a week. November sees the release of both music games (Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World Tour), both of which I want. Then there are the more obvious titles such as Gears of War 2, Mirror’s Edge and how can I resist Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts? I could mention a lot more, there are just too many to list.
Rob: I am very excited about Guitar Hero IV and I cannot wait to have a go on the drums. I’m also excited about Lips for the 360 and both games should satisfy my singing needs for a bit.
Luke: I like lists, so here goes: Call of Duty: World at War, Gears of War 2, Prince of Persia, Fable 2, Dead Space, Need for Speed: Undercover.
Anthony: WipeOut HD is out, so I am spent to be honest…OK, seriously, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Call of Duty World at War, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Shaun White Snowboarding, just to name a few. I hope there are a few PSN and LIVE Arcade surprises in the run up to Christmas, there should be, if the big boys want to entice more people to buy their consoles this Christmas.
Reece: I don’t want to flood this article with a list of my desired games as I could easily count 20, but I will note the especially desirables. Mirrors Edge comes in first as the game looks fantastic, a breath of fresh air! Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 both follow closely behind, simply for the co-op functionality on offer. And, as I do love co-op gameplay Left4Dead gets an honourable mention for possibly being the best thing to come to co-op gaming for quite some time. All will be for Xbox 360!
Chris: Like Luke I like lists too! The games that make it into my hot list this year are: Mirror’s Edge, Mega Man 9, Fallout 3, Rock Band 2. All for 360 please.
So what up and coming games make it into your must have hot list? Let us know by leaving your feedback in the comments. Tomorrow we will wrap up our Monster Month articles with a look at what we will be playing this month.