Monster Month: September 2010 (Reece)

Over the month of September I mostly focused on…

Metroid: I have always been a huge Metroid fan (Super Metroid and Metroid Prime being two of the greatest games ever made) but have also somewhat looked upon the Wii with continual disgust. It was difficult but I decided to bite the bullet, pre-order Metroid: Other M (Wii) and take it a step further by playing through every prior core Metroid game in a row within two weeks of Other M’s release.

I prepared myself in a similar way for Metal Gear Solid 4, playing every Metal Gear game in a row and the build up, hype and anticipation all worked beautifully to give me one of the best gaming experiences I’ll ever have… Other M wasn’t the same. I thoroughly loved playing through the classic Metroid games but jesus have Team Ninja let me down. Other M simply isn’t a Metroid game, and due to the piss poor typical Wii waggle additions I am struggling to play through the game still to this date.

Halo Reach: In order to enjoy this hugely anticipated release I booked a day off work, along with a group of colleagues, ready to blast through the campaign on co-op Legendary. Unfortunately the morning of my release I find out that my internet connection is completely unusable and therefore I have no choice but to play alone, a lonely soldier, on Legendary! I had no intentions on playing through the game alone without bagging that elusive Legendary Solo achievement therefore I had little choice.

It took just over a day of hours, and cost me hundreds of deaths, but it was worth it. Without a doubt the best Halo title to date and a beautiful swan song for Bungie to go out on.

Minecraft: Okay it’s not console based, but this is my blog and I’ll do what the hell I want with it okay! Minecraft is my latest addiction, something that started out as a “oh look, free weekend! I’ll give it a try” and quickly descended to a “Jesus Christ its 5am, I’ve got work in 3hours!”. It’s the type of game I have always dreamed of, and always wanted to be able to play. Watch the fanmade trailer below to understand why (and keep in mind, day is filled with happiness but the night brings out the monsters that’ll tear you to pieces if you aren’t careful).

PS3: My last gaming focus for the month has been on finishing up loose ends on my poor neglected PS3. Uncharted WILL be finished this month, and Resistance has been started to conquer that series too. I have all the PS3 great games, I just need to force myself to finish them – just like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Heavy Rain, I know that I’ll bloody love them.

(Update for October; Uncharted has been finished and it was fantastic! I cannot wait to start the sequel. Unfortunately my PS3 yellow/red lighted, then worked again the next day… so I’m not quite sure what state that’s in now.)


Reece Warrender

Reece is an obsessed gaming fanatic that finds enjoyment from any console. He began to enjoy games from a very young age but the addiction did not consume him till the days of Zelda – Link to the Past. Currently he is himself trying hard to break into the gaming industry, as a young programmer whilst also forcing his opinions onto the gaming population.

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