Cyberpunk Horror Title “Project Sense” In Final Stretch The recently launched Kickstarter campaign for the 2.5D cyberpunk horror game inspired by Fatal Frame… June 1, 2018·
LEGO DC Super-Villains – Announce Trailer Embark on an all-new DC/LEGO® adventure by becoming the best villain the universe has seen.… June 1, 2018·
God of War Director’s Commentary: Part 3 – The Sickness Game director Cory Barlog walks us through THAT moment. You know the one we’re talking… June 1, 2018·
Battlefield 5 – Reveal Trailer Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield™ V as the series goes back to its roots… June 1, 2018·
S.O.N – Official Gameplay Trailer #1 S.O.N is an epic psychological survival horror game set in modern day. You play as… June 1, 2018·
Dreams Gameplay Walkthrough Discover how to create, play, and share whatever you can imagine in Dreams, in the… June 1, 2018·
Fortnite – Shopping Carts: Play Now Players, start your carts! Race across the map and pull off gnarly stunts with Shopping… June 1, 2018·