Killzone 3 Review

Killzone 3 Review

I don’t know about you, but it feels like ages since I was last doing my part in the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance.
MyGamerCard.net bids farewell to Xbox community

MyGamerCard.net bids farewell to Xbox community

MyGamerCard.net, the popular website that allows users to embed their 360 gamer cards into forum signatures, personal blogs and social networking sites, will discontinue operations as of today.
Killzone 3 Review

Killzone 3 Review

Anthony brings our review for Killzone 3 I don’t know about you, but it feels like ages since I was last doing my part in the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance.
SHIFT 2 Unleashed

SHIFT 2 Unleashed

Today we have added 31 still game screenshots from the recent video of EA's Racing title - SHIFT 2 Unleashed - for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
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