BioShock Screenshots

BioShock Screenshots

We've just received nine brand-new screenshots from 'under the sea' for Irrational Games' - BioShock for Microsoft's Xbox 360.
Announced: To End All Wars

Announced: To End All Wars

Ghostlight is taking the First-Person Genre to a whole new and unprecedented level with a newly announced IP - To End All Wars for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Platforms.
Media: Cipher Complex

Media: Cipher Complex

Independent Game's Developer - Edge of Reality have shot two screenshots our way for their upcoming next-generation title - Cipher Complex for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Platforms.
Call of Juarez Review

Call of Juarez Review

Originally released on the PC in 2006 this country and western style first person shooter sees you playing as two characters and battling through various different terrains and scenarios.
Trailer: The Darkness

Trailer: The Darkness

Just when you thought you weren't scared of the dark, Starbreeze Studios' release the the (stutters) The Darkness for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 platforms.
July's Artist of the Month

July’s Artist of the Month

Another month, another band we've never heard of, this time its Velvet Revolver's turn in the Xbox 360 spotlight.
Fallout 3 Content

Fallout 3 Content

Bethesda Softworks have release some brand-new content for their upcoming graphically stunning title - Fallout 3.
Content: F.E.A.R.

Content: F.E.A.R.

Vivendi Universal have released a brand-new multi-player pack entitled - Nightmare.
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