Mass Effect Accessories Mad Catz a huge accessory company will start producing an Xbox 360 ’Console Skin’ and an Xbox 360 Faceplate, for BioWare’s - Mass Effect. March 21, 2007·
Media: Two Worlds We’ve updated our media section for Reality Pump’s RPG [Role-Playing Game] - Two Worlds. March 21, 2007·
Surfs Up Dude Ubisoft have released the first ever screenshots of their upcoming crazy surfing game - Surfs Up. March 21, 2007·
Media: Colin McRae: DIRT 5 stunning new screenshots for Codemasters upcoming Rally title, Colin McRae: DIRT have slammed onto our desks this afternoon. March 21, 2007·
Castlevania; XBLA Content You got the game now get the look with five different gamer pictures, for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. March 21, 2007·
Arcade: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for a new Xbox Live Arcade title. March 21, 2007·
Italian Retailers Break PS3 Street Date Two Italian retailers have broken the PS3’s official launch date by selling the console two days in advance. March 21, 2007·
Gears of War: The Movie Coming 2009 New Line Cinema have picked up the rights to the Gears of War movie. March 21, 2007· Ready To Ship have confirmed that they have started to process all of their Playstation 3 orders which are guaranteed to reach their customers on Friday March 23rd. March 21, 2007·