Peter Jackson visits Bungie Studios

Peter Jackson visits Bungie Studios

Peter Jackson, world renowned movie director for the massive Lord of the Rings trilogy, and more recently King Kong, was photographed at Bungie Studios recently - looking pretty happy in among the team.The picture can be seen HERE, showing the Bungie team and "PJ", as labelled by Bungie's awesome paint work, is standing right in the middle.Why was he there? Well we're guessing he was chatting things through with the Bungie crew with regards to the upcoming Halo movie that was announced - You know, the one with the record breaking script cost. We're guessing he probably got a first look at how Halo 3 is coming along also.
Media: Fight Night Round 3

Media: Fight Night Round 3

First we saw the boxers, then we saw the rings. Now it's time for the barely dressed ring-side ladies to strut their stuff in the latest set of Fight Night Round 3 screenshots.Apart from some pretty smooth bodies, we have to admit - they aren't the prettiest ladies on the planet! Maybe EA need to get out more and check out what a pretty lady is supposed to look like!Anyway, this one is for you lads! Just click HERE for some softcore pornography!
Media: Test Drive Unlimited

Media: Test Drive Unlimited

More high-speed, photo-realistic screenshots zoomed into our inbox today, for Test Drive Unlimited.The screenshots include a school bus(?), and a nice top-down view looking to what could be a Lamborghini, a side view of a Lotus elise, a Pagani Zonda, a Saleen S7, and also a bonnet view of maybe a Ford GT. And yes, we do like cars...To view the screenshots, visit our Media Page HERE
Media: Prey screenshots

Media: Prey screenshots

We found 6 Prey screenshots lurking in the shadows, and forced them to come out!The shots include a few in-game grabs, as well as some rather interesting alien shots (we guess from cut-scenes?). Oh and see if you can spot the alien walking on the ceiling!To view the screenshots, visit our Media Page HERE
Bungie Slams Halo 3 Rumour

Bungie Slams Halo 3 Rumour

Remember just the other day the news article we churned out about Halo 3 being ready, according to gaming website HEXUS?Bungie.net officially replied to the comment on their Weekly Update.
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