If you were a fan of Gang Beasts or Fall Guys, you’d love Rubber Bandits. Though mainly designed for multiplayer, a solo player can practice in arcade mode. Though to get the most out of this game, you’d want to play with people.
When you first load up the game, you know you’re in for a complete treat. You start off in a tutorial level when you bust out of prison. Once you’ve escaped, you enter the selection menu that is designed to be your hideout in an ingenious flow from tutorial to getting started. Here you can select game modes, mess around, or change your outfit.

Design-wise, the game is extremely simplistic with intuitive elements. Nearly every item, from a chair to a samurai sword, is interactable in some way. While being attacked, you can use things in your environment to jump on, grab onto, whack, or shoot. Being chased after acquiring loot? Use an office chair or traffic cone to defend yourself! Need to get across a busy street? Use your computer to whack the street crossing light. Need to escape to the bottom floor? Use a pick axe to dig to the ground floor! Possibilities seem endless, and it is so fun to play around with everything the environment has to offer.
And just in case you ever get bored of their classic heist game mode, Rubber Bandits keeps things interesting in multiplayer, the game has a unique voting system to select game modes where the majority doesn’t always win. Instead, if 3 players select brawl and 1 doesn’t, there is a ¾ chance that the game selected will be a brawl.

These multiplayer mini-games maintain freshness by switching out locations and adding random quirks to the game when you least expect it. One of my favorites is censored violence, where when a character is attacked, the area around them becomes pixelated. This makes combat really challenging and fun, because after that first hit you’re playing blind until you’ve moved away from your opponent.
The only thing keeping this game from a perfect score is some persistent bugs and glitches. When playing, I’ve run into a problem where ghost players will randomly join. These players show up on my screen, as if someone has joined my game, and will move in unison with my character. Additionally, the game will crash if you play it for more than thirty minutes.
All and all, it is a great game to whip out at parties or keep the kids busy at a sleepover.