A new name is nipping nastily at nomadic ninjas known as Ninety Nine Nights. Actually, Ninety Nine Nights, or N3, has nothing to do with nomadic ninjas, but it was a good example of alliteration. However, N3 does have powerful warlords plowing and slaughtering though thousands of soldiers. It’s a slightly repetitive concept that’s been used in many games, the most popular known as Dynasty Warriors. Nevertheless, N3 adds some absent elements to the fading series and the results have turned out to be very entertaining.
The backbone of N3 is absolutely the story that it embraces. It begins with a crystal shattering into pieces and causing ninety-nine nights of darkness, with the light returning on the one hundredth day. Each character has their own view point or perspective of the story. So even though the general arrangement of the tale won’t change, the way you perceive it will be gathered from different angles with every character.
N3 is said to combine the action of hack and slash along with the strategy associated with commanding a massive army; a much needed combination. Most hack and slash games have no strategy and most strategy games lack the action. The focal point of the game is killing as many enemies as possible. Here to assist you with this task are nifty combos and super attacks. Your killing effectiveness is amplified when you pull off strings of combo attacks, and as you perform these combos your attack bar increases. When, at last, your bar reaches its cap, you can draw out a wicked super attack that massacres many foes. Fun stuff, eh? As it appears in the trailer, each playable character will have their own element assigned to them, which adds some tactics to the battle.
The graphics for N3 aren’t remarkable, but they are worthy of mention. Instead of fantastic-looking graphics, we receive fantastic polygon counts; over two-thousand on screen soldiers at once. The video we saw showed a real time demonstration of hundreds of people getting thrown into the air by a large explosion, and about one thousand people surrounded the explosion. Despite the insane events and the amount of people, everything was very smooth.
Mizuguchi, creator and head of the N3 team, mentioned that he likes working with the Xbox 360. He also spoke of the power of the system, stating “There is enough power. There are some real advantages to working with the 360. With the capabilities of this console, the challenge is to realize its full potential.” When asked when the game will be finished he only laughed and said that it’s currently unknown. Hopefully we’ll see more of N3 soon. Stay tuned to 360Monster.com for any new information about Ninety Nine Nights (and nomadic ninjas, nevertheless).