First question I asked was if this was the same preview as E3, the answer was no, and that it was 2 new levels made for showing at GC2006. I find myself in
Splinter Cell has always been a great game and every new version that comes out adds something new to the series. In previous Splinter Cell games the light and sound meters have been present but not for Double Agent. On the bottom left corner of the screen is a Green dot and this dot also appears on Sam Fisher’s back. Green signifies you are in darkness and all is good. Yellow on the other hand means that you are partially visible to enemies if you jump out. Red means that the enemy has seen you and most likely popped a cap in your spy shaped head. If the green icon flashes it means that someone is on the lookout for a noise or some odd things happening. This will quickly turn to yellow flashing which means they have seen something and they will be more aggressive to find out what it is. Flashing red also means your are being attacked and it is best to make your escape or die quickly.
The usual toys from Splinter Cell are back in which includes the vision modes, optic cable etc but new to Double Agent is the Trust Bar. Every mission has a primary objective and then some secondary objectives that you can complete if you wish. The trust bar is there to monitor the trust either theNSA has for Fisher or the local terrorist groups. If your trust goes too low for either side then it is game over. If the NSA thinks you have gone too rogue, then its game over. The next map to showcase this Trust idea was a daytime map on a huge cruise ship. Sam is working for the terrorists and they want him to plant a bomb and detonate it, killing pretty much everyone on board. The main objective is plant the bomb and for this your trust with the terrorists shoots up the trust for NSA drops. The NSA has given you secondary objectives, which includes planting smoke bombs so you can evacuate the passengers. Doing these things will keep your trust pretty equal on both sides but killing civilians will lower your NSA trust. It is a fine balance but this Trust idea will shape what happens to Sam Fisher as the game progresses.
Graphically Double Agent looks great and the new daytime levels bring in a new way of playing Splinter Cell games. The detail on Sam Fisher is very good so much so that you can see his chin stubble as he sneaks around. Environments looks highly detailed which should make for a more immersive world to play in. This game should be around before Christmas if all goes to plan.
On the multiplayer side Downloadable Content will be on the way for the multiplayer side and the possibility of single player content is there also. Since this is a Tom Clancy game then we know there will be a good amount of content for us to play with once the game has launched. Keep an eye on the site since I will be talking about a preview of the multiplayer side as well. I got to play the game so you may be interested to see what I think. If you have any more questions about single player, then drop me an email
Originally Written By: Barrie Rogers