Potential Natal Delays Ahead

Microsoft’s Natal has come under scrutiny today with the scare that the use of dual cameras in the device for tracking gamer’s motion could in fact cause radiation poisoning.

Through research it’s well know that certain types of CRTs (or Cathode Ray Tubes) due to their massive electron flow, give off huge amounts of ELF and VLF radiation with the potential to cause melanomas. It’s feared that the scanning mechanism of Natal, mostly due to the fact it uses two cameras, can double this exposure.

Professor Maureen Hearty explains, “Large amounts of Extremely Low and Very Low-Frequency radiation if sat closer than a few feet from a device, may be subjecting people to unacceptable levels of risk. Research shows this can lead to many health complaints, including the forming of cataracts.”

It’s thought that this may have been the reason for recent reports that Natal would only work in rooms larger than four metres, a rumour vehemently denied by Microsoft.

Sources close to Natal’s development have expressed concern that this finding will likely cause a delay in what was expected to be a Winter 2010 release.

Are you concerned with the potential health risks caused by using Natal? Would this put you off making a purchase? Let us know in the comments.


Marty Greenwell

Marty has been gaming since the heady years of the ZX-81 and still owns most of the gaming systems purchased since those days, including the Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, SNES, Jaguar, Dreamcast and GameCube. Being a collection junkie (or more accurately, hoarder), he buys more games than he can possibly play, far too many of which are still sealed in their packaging. Marty favours RPGs and Driving games when it comes to genres, and is possibly a little bit too addicted to Disgaea. When not gaming he’s out frightening OAPs on his motorcycle, clad in black leather.

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