Porn stars say the funniest things

All the attention has been hitting CES recently which has in turn shadowed another event happening in the exact same location, the Adult Entertainment Expo. Luckily the clever gentlemen (and gentleladies) over at GameDaily have managed to get themselves lost, askings half dressed women gaming related questions as opposed to game developers at the CES booths. The result? Hilarity.

My personal favourite comes form Havana Ginger (put the name to a face above), with the quote of the week:

What kind of video game character would you be?

I’d be one of the whores getting screwed in Grand Theft Auto.

Hit the jump for more genious replies!



Reece Warrender

Reece is an obsessed gaming fanatic that finds enjoyment from any console. He began to enjoy games from a very young age but the addiction did not consume him till the days of Zelda – Link to the Past. Currently he is himself trying hard to break into the gaming industry, as a young programmer whilst also forcing his opinions onto the gaming population.

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