Orange Box Update Released

Valve have released another patch for their ‘best deal in video game history’ Half-Life 2: The Orange Box. The update focuses on the faults found with Team Fortress 2.

  • Reduced network bandwidth usage in multi-player.
  • Improved overall game performance.
  • Arranged search results to favor preferred host conditions.
  • Improved searching for ranked games.
  • Addressed a possible false report of too little storage space on larger hard drives.

If you’ve still yet to purchase Half Life 2: The Orange Box check out Chris Taylor’s review, right now.

” Heralded as the best deal in video game history, The Orange Box has been one game I personally have been waiting for. Containing not one, not two, but five games—five absolutely fantastic games, two of which are previous PC releases, but the other three are new to any format. The five games are all bundled onto one disc for the price of an ordinary Xbox 360 game. A good deal? It sure is. But let’s take a look at what is in this lovely Orange Box.”

Let us know your thoughts on the newly released update by leaving your comments below.


Luke De'ath

Bristol based Luke is a keen gamer who enjoys a good FPS or Stealth title. His Favourite game is Metal Gear Solid. Luke also loves FIFA and is a season ticket holder for Bristol Rovers FC

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