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No Gears of War Demo Coming Prior to Emergence Day

Those of you who have been celebrating the news of the unveiling of the release date of the highly anticipated shooter Gears of War, put down your beers (or your soda, for our under-age readers) because Mark Rein from Epic Games has a bad announcement. There will be no demo released for Gears of War prior the games release.

On Epic’s forum, he posted a response to a user asking about a possible demo:

“I don’t see any way we could do a demo before the game comes out. We’ve said that before. Demos take a long time to create and polish and we can’t afford to get derailled like that if we want to have the game in stores by Thanksgiving. Given a choice of the game this year or a demo this year and the game next year I’m sure every one of you would rather have the game this year because you’re already planning to buy it. No idea if we’ll do a demo or not after the game ships. I know we have some very cool plans (not 100% solid so too early to give any specifics) for additional downloadable so that might take a higher priority than creating a demo.”

The last sentence hints at possible downloadable content for the game, so at least the news is not all bad. Gears of War is expected to ship on November 12th in the United States and November 17th in the United Kingdom.

Originally Written By: Art Green


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