LulzSec Gets Hit by Karma

LulzSec as everyone knows have been dominating headlines with hacks on various companies including Sony and Bethesda, well today it seems Karma has come back to bit them in the rear as they themselves have been hacked.

Reports today suggest that the LulzSec homepage went down due to attacks from rival hacking groups who have turned on LulzSec. The LulzSec Twitter account has also been removed for now.

One hacker in particular is claiming responsibility; Oneiroi has claimed to have brought down LulzSec in an operation codenamed ‘Operation Supernove’.

“I’d like to let the public know that phase one of OPERATION SUPERNOVA has been successful,” he said on Twitter.

“ is Tango down at this time.”

What’s more another hacker called ‘TeaMp0ison’ has also come out and vowed to reveal the identities of all the LulzSec members. He was quoted as saying “We’re here to show the world that they’re nothing but a bunch of script kiddies. We’re going to let them do what they do. Then we’re going to do what we do. We’re going to hit them hard.”

It gets worse for LulzSec as anti-hackers ‘Team Web Ninjas’ have reportedly posted names, pictures, addresses and phone numbers of LulzSec. They even claim to have the identity of the leader hidden away, but are currently refusing to release it.

This will hopefully be the beginning of the end for LulzSec, they have terrorised the gaming industry for these past few weeks and karma it seems has a rather ironic way of punishing them.


Lee Matthews

Lee is an avid gamer, photographer, film buff and sports fan. A scaly brat since birth it only seemed right for him to join Her Majesties Armed Forces of which he has been a proud member ever since. Despite a long absence from gaming, during which he spent many a night reminiscing about the glory days on Halo 2, Matty is now back online smashing his way through Black Ops and soon enough Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3.

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