Leaked Splinter Cell Screenshots

It turns out that Mr. Fisher is getting a bit slack in keeping things quiet when it comes to his up and coming title, Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Three new screenshots have stealthily found their way onto the net recently. The screens show Sam Fisher wearing an arctic camouflage number as you see him freefall over a city landscape (Down Town LA perhaps?). Debates in forums and the like have seen people discussing whether these screens are in-game or if they are from an intro FMV sequence.

Going by the clues on the offical website, this could be LA

Check out the Artic Camo

Still looking his best with that 5 o’clock shadow

Personally we would go out on a limb here and say these screens cry out the words ‘intro’ to us, as they look far to cinematic, but it remains to be known if its using the in-game engine or they are just pre-rendered movie stills.

A few things have risen on the official website since our last visit, containing a few new clues on the game, its characters and some mission sound samples.

As soon as we hear more on Fishers whereabouts we will let you know.

Source: Kotaku


Anthony Barker

Anthony is the designer, developer and owner of Console Monster. In his spare time, Anthony is a keen gamer who enjoys playing mostly First-Person Shooters and Racing games. When he is not developing games or tweaking this site, Anthony likes to be on the slopes snowboarding or hurtling down off-road tracks on his mountain bike.

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