It seems that more secret squirrels have been out secretly recording Halo 3 in action. Thanks to our eagle eyed community (and specifically Fleeboi) 3 more videos have come to attention.
We warn you, the videos themselves are quite poor quality. In fact, you really can’t see that much! Despite that, we can gather from the videos that:
a) Halo 3 exists and is at a playable stage
b) The same multi-player announcer who calls out “MULTI-KILL” and “KING OF THE HILL” is back.
Feel free to check out the videos at, linked below – but don’t come running to us in streams of tears when you realise that, in reality, these videos aren’t that exciting.
Things our Community has noticed from the Videos:
- The shotgun doesn’t hold as much ammo before you have to reload.
- Medals now appear at the bottom left of the screen, and look a little bigger.
- Death Notifications also appear bottom left, just above the motion sensor.
- Sniper Rifle looks alot like Halo: CE’s, possibly having night vision again. But behaves like Halo 2’s.
- Gameplay looksvery similar to Halo 2
- Shotgun has a longer refire rate – Ub0r recoil(?)
Noticed something we haven’t? Tell us using the comment system below, or the forum.