Halo the Movie has a Director

The Halo movie finally has a director and he comes in the form of Uwe Boll. Now if that was actually true i’m sure thousands would already be sending death threats and letter bombs, but I am of course lying.

The real director is in fact a one Neill Blomkamp. You are probably wondering who Blomkamp is, well he is thought of as one of the most innovative directors for his some of his short films. Halo will in fact be his feature film debut and it won’t be easy what with the whole gaming world expecting a great film to match a truly great game.

Blomkamp has had experience with aliens when he directed the critically acclaimed short film ‘Alive in Joburg’ which shows us a future where Aliens have become refugees. You can watch the movie below –

The movie should hit screens in 2008 and with Weta Digital behind the creature design it truly looks like the film might just be as awesome as the games.

Originally Written By: Lee Matthews


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