Halo 3 Beta Signup This Monday

Yes you read right, Bungie are officially opening up signups for the Halo 3 multiplayer beta this Monday morning. I can already hear the calendar dates being added and the alarms being set, but sadly its not all good news.

Now it’s fair to say that the majority of users on this site come from Europe and Bungie being the lovely fellows that they are have decided to limit the beta to Yanks only. It seems Europe like always has simply been forgotten, there is currently no word on when or even if a beta will come to Europe, so for now if your American and are free on Monday visit www.Halo3.com and signup as quick as you can.

It’s a shame that as of yet Bungie has no plans to bring the beta to Europe, even so, keep an eye out for the new Halo 3 advertisment coming this Monday.

EDIT/ It looks like Bungie have heard the outcrys over in Europe and in fact confirmed the beta will come to Europe after all.

Originally Written By: Lee Matthews


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