Gamerscore Battle Signatures!

360Monster are very proud to present our very special Gamerscore Battle Card Signatures for forums!

These signatures allow you to put your 360 gamercard score alongside a friend (or enemy!) and compare each others scores.

This allows you to compete for the first to get to a certain gamerscore via achievments on your Xbox 360, and the signature will automatically update!

A low quality example can be seen here:

How does it work? Well it’s simple!

1) Open Up your signature options in any forum
2) Edit your signature, and place the following code within [img] tags.

[img][YOURGAMERTAG].png[/img] [img][YOURFRIENDSGAMERTAG].png[/img]

All of that code should be on one line.

3) Replace [YOURGAMERTAG] with the gamertag you use on your Xbox 360 (E.g. russclow)

4) Replace [YOURFRIENDSGAMERTAG] with the gamertage your friend uses on their Xbox 360 Account.

5) Make sure that if your gamertag contains spaces, you change any spaces within your gamertag to %20 instead. For example:

Swifty CMD would become Swifty%20CMD.

Update: New skin updated [Ant]


Russ Clow

Russ Clow not only nearly shares his name with one of the best Gladiators around, but he also has a bundle of experience under his belt. Since a very young age he's been playing video games, and has been working in the video game industry for most of his working career. Russ is a secret Sony Fanboy, although he tries hard to hide it so as to keep his position as Editor-in-Chief. When he's not playing games, Russ likes to play football with the "lads".

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