ELSPA recently released its latest weekly UK sales chart for the Xbox 360. No change this week for Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter which remains at the number one spot (and probably for some time to come) along with last weeks number two Fight Night Round 3. Last weeks newcomers Burnout Revenge and The Outfit enter the chart in third and forth positions.
Week ending 18 March 2006
1 (1) Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter 2 (2) Fight Night Round 3 3 (N) Burnout Revenge 4 (N) The Outfit 5 (4) Project Gotham Racing 3 6 (3) Call of Duty 2 7 (6) FIFA 06 8 (5) Dead Or Alive 4 9 (7) Perfect Dark Zero 10 (8) Condemned: Criminal Origins
Leisure software charts compiled by Chart Track, (c) 2001 ELSPA (UK) Ltd.
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