“Chinese dynasties of yore. Futuristic armoured-suit orientated animé. Two subjects as far from each other as one might keep their cyanide pills from their foodstuffs. Two different things and never the twine shall meet. Well, that’s what I thought before I heard about Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2. With KOEI pumping out games quicker than a hardened smackhead injects heroin, their output rate is astonishing, on a par with annual sports titles in the vein of FIFA and Madden…”
Check out all the latest screenshots for Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 in our Media Section for the game.
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Anthony Barker
Anthony is the designer, developer and owner of Console Monster. In his spare time, Anthony is a keen gamer who enjoys playing mostly First-Person Shooters and Racing games. When he is not developing games or tweaking this site, Anthony likes to be on the slopes snowboarding or hurtling down off-road tracks on his mountain bike.