DiCE Gets Frostbite

DiCE have created a brand-new games engine entitled – Frostbite (is it me or did things just get a lot colder in here?) You may not know the name of the engine but we’re pretty confident that you will over the next few years, and very soon as its been incorporated in DiCE’s upcoming title – Battlefield Bad Company.

The images that you’re seeing are from a technical demo, but we’re still clueless where this demo was shown off and why. We’re very excited to see what Frostbite is all about and the possibility’s seem to be endless with this technology in the near-future.

You can view all the screenshots in our Media Section for Battlefield: Bad Company. Caution: Freeeeezing cold screenshots.

Currently slated for June ’07 release date, we’re very excited to see if Battlefield: Bad Company can show us what Frostbite is all about.

Let us know your thoughts on these very impressive screenshots by leaving us a comment below.


Luke De'ath

Bristol based Luke is a keen gamer who enjoys a good FPS or Stealth title. His Favourite game is Metal Gear Solid. Luke also loves FIFA and is a season ticket holder for Bristol Rovers FC

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