Call of Duty 4 Beta Registration Starts Tonight

It’s been confirmed that registration for the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare beta will start tonight at 5pm PST (1am in the UK). Players will be able to join the beta in a number of “waves”. New players are expected to join the beta every day.

The announcement was made yesterday in the Official Call of Duty 4 forums:
“…we’ve been playing the beta internally, and it’s so much fun we are dying to play with you. So… let’s blow off waiting for the site and just consider this the countdown — there will be a way for people to register for the beta starting 5pm PST tomorrow. Some of those will be playing as early as tomorrow night.. tick tock tick tock.”

“Friends and Family” are already playing the beta. The beta is 995.09MB and is downloaded in the same way as the Halo 3 beta (Enter code in “Redeem Code” in the Marketplace) The following images were posted by a member of COD4Forums.

Update: Beta registration starts tonight. Apologies for the confusion.

Originally Written By: Scott Webber


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