Achievement Points Getting Real-Life Rewards

One of the more unique features of the Xbox 360–achievement points–is now getting a feature that many have clamored for since they were first introduced: Real-life rewards. Starting on Feburary 12th, all US gamers over the age of 13 will be able to sign up here to try and amass 1,500 gamerscore by April 12th.

Microsoft plans to hand out $500,000 in total prizes on a first come, first serve basis. There are three different tiers of prizes, the best of which going to those who have already amassed a solid gamerscore:

  • Tier 1 (registrants with a Gamerscore of less than 5,000)

Prizes for completing challenge: A special gamer picture, Xbox 360 dashboard theme, and the Xbox Live Arcade game Contra.

  • Tier 2 (registrants with a Gamerscore between 5,000 and 9,999)

Prizes for completing challenge: A special gamer picture, Xbox 360 dashboard theme, the Xbox Live Arcade game Contra, 100 Microsoft Points (worth $1.25), and a contest T-shirt.

  • Tier 3 (registrants with a Gamerscore of 10,000 and over)

Prizes for completing challenge: A special gamer picture, Xbox 360 dashboard theme, the Xbox Live Arcade game Contra, 200 Microsoft Points (worth $2.50), a contest T-shirt, and a copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2.

GameSpot reports that ” Microsoft plans to expand the challenge to a global level in the future.”

Originally Written By: Art Green


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