With the month of November over, the staff here at Console Monster reflect back at this month’s current events in the gaming world, as well as give a little insight of their gaming antics this month, and what they are looking forward to playing next month. To kick off, the Console Monster staff let you know what they’ve been playing over the past month…
Craig: This month has had its ups and downs for me. The ups have been playing plenty of Gears of War 2 and the amazing Horde mode. So much in fact I managed to get up to level 50 really quickly. It’s amazing playing with 4 other friends, although my friends never seemed to have my back even though I had theirs. The low for me this month was when I went back to playing some Halo 3 matchmaking in Double Team. I just wasn’t in the mood for Masterchief and because of that I managed to loose my 45 in Double Team. Instead acquiring my new Double Team rank of 42. Me = not happy.
Dave: There’s been six main games I played throughout November, two of which I reviewed (Quantum of Solace and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts) whilst the remaining five, Gears of War 2, FIFA 09, Lips and Mirror’s Edge I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy for different reasons. I originally intended to be playing Guitar Hero: World Tour this month, though a last minute change of mind saw me opting for Lips.
Lauren: It’s been a good month so far with Tomb Raider Underworld, The Last Remnant, A Kingdom For Keflings, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War 2. Oh the list just goes on and on! Not to mention some RPG goodness via my PSP ‘Star Ocean’ and a host of random titles for my DS. Busy times!
Chris: This month has been a terribly busy one for me. There’s been so much, my beloved Rock Band has not been put into my 360 as of yet. First up was the pure joy of Fallout 3, which has sucked up a heck of a lot of my time, and I mean a lot! Next up was Guitar Hero: World Tour, which I honestly thought was just a poorer version of Rock Band. I also managed to finish Fable 2, which had Stephen Fry in it, which made me all happy. Castle Crashers, N+ and Penny Arcade Episode 2 have all had a thorough play through whereas I’ve been dipping in and out of Geo Wars 2, Ikaruga and Bionic Commando Rearmed. CoD World at War frustrated me to no end, so I’ve completely given up on that. And then I got Left 4 Dead, which I’ve practically played non-stop since `I got it. I love that game so much.
Reece: I have been playing far too much this month, without a doubt one of the best months in gaming for this year’s generation. I have been mostly spending my time on Mirror’s Edge, Fable 2, Far Cry 2, Lips, MK vs DCU and Lef4Dead. I really need more days in the week to keep up with them all.
Anthony: Another blur in gaming this month. This month saw me visit The Gathering event, where I got my hands on some soon to be released titles and some a little further away, namely Prince of Persia and Streetfighter IV, both played and looked awesome. Back home aside from Motorstorm: Pacific Rift its been a bit of a casual month, with marathon sessions of Guitar Hero World Tour, Lips, SingStar and You’re in the Movies. To balance out this casualness I’ve been playing daily hourly sessions (when I can) of Gears of War 2, which I think I’m close to completing the Solo Campaign.
Rob: It has been a busy month for me and sadly with work, finding the time to play all my games is making it difficult for me to play everything. However I did buy Fable 2 and I must admit I’ve really enjoyed it so far especially as I don’t usually like these types of games.
I also went retro and purchased Ultra Marble on the Arcade which is taxing but fun, especially as I’ve wanted it for three years now!
It’s really been a music month though with me buying Guitar Hero World Tour, the complete package. I’ve enjoyed the GHTunes service, there are some great video game tunes on there that people have made and it is a lot of fun. To top it off I’ve just purchased Lips and find this fun as well, especially as I don’t have a PS3 for SingStar!
Well that’s our month in gaming, why not let us know what YOU have been playing this past month by leaving your feedback in the comments! We’ll have more Monster Month tomorrow, where we’ll be telling you what we are looking forward to playing in December.