Mick Fraser

Mick Fraser
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review

If, in some strange fever dream after too many Red Bulls and too much Skyrim, you were presented with a choice of creative professionals from which to hand-pick a dream to be tasked with forging a world-beating Action RPG, chances are you’d select the team leaders behind 38 Studios and Big Huge Games’ Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Review

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Review

Having saved the world rather spectacularly at the end of 2009’s A Crack In Time, funky fox Ratchet and his robotic buddy Clank are taking some much needed time off and letting Galactic President Qwark take all the credit.
Dark Souls Review

Dark Souls Review

Most PS3-owning RPG fans will be familiar with From Software’s 2009 dungeon-crawler Demon’s Souls.
Under Siege Review

Under Siege Review

Something mostly missing from the PS3’s extensive catalogue is the good old RTS.
L.A. Noire Review

L.A. Noire Review

Once again Rockstar have produced a game that is incredibly hard to rate purely because it’s incredibly hard to categorise.
Outland Review

Outland Review

XBLA is home to some strange and enticing titles.
Darksiders Sequel Gets New Star

Darksiders Sequel Gets New Star

THQ's often-underrated apocalyptic adventure Darksiders will be getting the sequel mootedalready mooted during its climax, butit won't be followingthe path many of us expected.
Outland - Trailer

Outland – Trailer

An old school masterpiece, Outland showcases vivid, gorgeous visuals and sublime side-scrolling 2D platforming.
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Mick Fraser

Mick Fraser