Thomas Hostler

Thomas Hostler
Tales of Vesperia Review

Tales of Vesperia Review

Back in the days of the original Xbox, JRPG's were incredibly hard to come by, whilst the PS2 seemed to have an endless supply.
UFC 2009 Undisputed Review

UFC 2009 Undisputed Review

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has really started to come to the forefront of fighting over the past few years, with the lead runner being the Ultimate Fighting Championship).
Uncharted 2 looking pretty

Uncharted 2 looking pretty

Despite being already announced a while back, Uncharted 2 is still definitely one of Sony's big hitters this year at E3.
Stormrise Review

Stormrise Review

In days past, if you wanted to play an RTS (Real Time Strategy) game, you were pretty much limited to the PC.
Death Tank Review

Death Tank Review

Let me start this review by making it very clear that Death Tank is one of the best names for a game ever.
Resistance 2 Review

Resistance 2 Review

A couple of years ago the PS3 was launched, alongside some surprisingly good launch titles.
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Thomas Hostler

Thomas Hostler