Crackdown date cracked

Crackdown date cracked

Since Christmas has been and gone, most people will be planning what to do with the money they were given.
Capcom Releasing Six New 360 Titles in 2007

Capcom Releasing Six New 360 Titles in 2007

In an Investor Relations Report, Capcom have revealed it will be releasing 77 new titles across all platforms throughout 2007, six of which will be released on the Xbox 360.
Arcade: Rally-X

Arcade: Rally-X

This weeks festive Arcade treat is sadly Rally-X (Queue the luke-warm fanfare).
Merry Christmas from the Monster Staff

Merry Christmas from the Monster Staff

On behalf of Anthony, Russ, Barrie, Lee, Toby, James, Art, Steve, Michael, Chris, Luke, Arthur and, of course, myself, I'd like to wish all of 360Monster's visitors a very Merry Christmas.
Free Oblivion 'Mehrunes - Razor' Content

Free Oblivion ‘Mehrunes – Razor’ Content

We love free content here at 360Monster and today is the day to dust off that armour suit of yours and get back into the realm of Oblivion, with the recent announcement of FREE ‘Mehrunes’ Razor’ content for the game.
Demo: Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Demo: Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Still undecided with which 360 football title to ask for this Christmas between the likes of FIFA 07 and Pro Evolution Soccer 6?
XFPS 360 in action

XFPS 360 in action

Yesterday we told you about the recently released peripheral for the Xbox 360 the XFPS 360, a device which allows you to control your 360 games with your standard Keyboard and Mouse set up.
Bungie Q&A

Bungie Q&A

Last month 360Monster was invited as part of the Microsoft Xbox Community Network (XCN) to submit a selection of questions, which would be answered in a Q&A session with Frank O’Connor, Content Manager, Bungie Studios.
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